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信息-技术-服务- 334524531.jpeg




星际网赌导航英国公司隶属于斯堪的纳维亚最大的防务公司, 汇集了瑞典和英国最好的创新. 星际网赌导航提供世界领先的国防解决方案和服务, 航空, 空间, 公民安全保障人民和社会的安全. 我们在英国的业务一直在快速增长, meaning we can offer a wide range of opportunities for personal fulfilment and career growth. 我们目前在英国的8个地点雇佣了500多名员工, 我们的专长包括软件工程, 水下机器人, 雷达, AI, 武装部队训练.

作为全球实体Saab AB的一部分, Saab UK combines the innovative spirit of a start-up with the resources and expertise of a larger corporation. Globally, Saab employs over 22,000 people, with operations on every continent. Our partnerships with UK customers and industry mean we are able to deliver innovative solutions to complex challenges, 预见明天的威胁. 我们将年收入的23%用于研发, collaborating with a range of partners including industry and academia.

Saab is a company that offers our employees plenty of opportunities for growth and advancement. We embrace diversity and are committed to providing a workplace where individuals can thrive professionally, 为未来的发展铺平道路. We also recognise the need for a healthy work-life balance to ensure our staff have the chance to live a fulfilling life beyond the workplace.


领导多个并行的软件开发活动, directing and managing software engineers in the delivery of technical solutions for new and existing products. Build and enhance software engineering principles with the appropriate latest technologies delivering projects to cost and timescale budget.


  • Software Engineer with min 7 years' experience as a Senior Engineer

  • Able to demonstrate expertise and experience in software used on industrial/vehicle/vessel systems

  • Broad understanding of software from embedded though to applications

  • 领导多学科的软件工程师团队

  • Able to develop a software architecture for complex systems from scratch

  • 对现代软件方法和技术有良好的理解

  • Able to maintain a system level approach and not get lost in the detail

  • Able to develop system level requirements and derive lower level requirements to achieve these

  • 对安全概念和设计有充分的理解

  • 能够直接与客户沟通

  • 能够作为技术权威

  • Able to communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders

  • 能够估计工作内容和工期

  • Able to plan work loading for teams ensuring no team member is overloaded

  • Able to develop and instigate processes to ensure industry best practice is achieved

  • Able to ensure appropriate levels of Software Quality are achieved for projects

  • 能够指导和发展初级工程师

  • 委派任务的能力

  • 能够管理资源和预算

  • Practical understanding of standards and application of standards

  • 网络安全的认识及其对设计的影响

Essential Skills: Able to demonstrate technical leadership for software skills in most of the following technologies on both 窗户 and Linux:

  • C++

  • C

  • RTOS

  • Linux

  • 窗户

  • Javascript

  • 软件测试

  • 软件版本控制

  • 码头工人

  • Tcp-ip / udp

  • SQL或其他数据库

  • 开发工具(Wireshark,系统日志查询等..)

  • 数据库

  • 网络安全

  • API的


  • CAN / LIN总线

  • 串行总线(RS485 / RS232等..)

  • Spi / i2c

  • Python

  • Go

  • XML

  • JSON

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Web backend servers (Angular, Django, NodeJS, React, Apache or similar)

  • Web Sockets

  • IP视频和视频路由

  • Familiarity with Systems serving Real Time Information via Web Sockets

  • DDS的使用及其接口

  • 消息队列(Active MQ/Rabbit MQ/ZeroMQ)

  • GUI开发经验(.. Net GUI框架,Qt 6.2或更早版本)

  • Developing and debugging software for application software in Visual studio (2013, 2017, 2022)

  • 仿真工具


  • To use personal judgement and initiative to develop effective and constructive solutions to challenges and obstacles in day to day activities and procedures within the specified role.

  • To maintain personal ability in, and appropriate use of, all relevant IT (Information & Technology) and other systems required to adequately perform the role.

  • To act ethically, with integrity and in the best interest of the business at all times.

  • To maintain a professional and supportive relationship with team members and other departments in order to deliver business and delivery objectives or deadlines.

  • To carry out any other duties as detailed by your Supervisor or Manager from time to time.

  • To keep good time management to minimise any wasted time and maximise productivity and effectiveness.


  • Cooperate with the company to achieve a healthy, safe and sustainable working environment.

  • Work in ways that ensure your own safety and that of others; “Do the right thing even when no one is looking.”

  • Report any incidents, near misses or other health, safety and environmental concerns.

  • Deliver all products and services in line with Saab Seaeye quality standards to ensure we meet our customer requirements and highlight any quality concerns or potential improvements.